Today is Election Day! All eligible Texans will vote on 10 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution and various local candidates and ballot measures. Your vote is how you exert your power over what happens in your school, community, city, and state. Flex your muscles at the ballot box!
If you haven’t voted yet, please vote between 7am and 7pm today.
Use these websites to help you be an informed voter:
1. The League of Women Voters’ will help you find your polling location, learn what will be on your ballot, and more. Build your ballot, print it out, and bring it with you to the polls.
2. The Texas Secretary of State’s will help you understand what identification you need, and has answers to many other voting and election-related questions.
Bring your friends, family, and kids to vote with you. Together we are building a culture of voting and strengthening democracy.
Thank you,
Laura Yeager
Texas Educators Vote