Make sure you are registered and get ready to turn out the vote!

There are only 12 days left to register to vote and 25 days until early voting starts. This is the final push to get as many eligible Texans registered as possible so they will be able to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Sometimes people feel like their vote won’t matter, and they conclude that it isn’t worth the effort to register and vote. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. By voting, you are picking the people who will make important decisions that will affect you and your loved ones. If you don’t vote, someone else will be making those decisions for you, and you may not like who they pick. Many elections are determined by very small margins – every vote matters!

The bottom line is that the only way to really get what you want is to turn out the vote like never before. We’ve seen that work before and now let’s do it again.

During the 2018 midterm elections, voter turnout in Texas reached new levels. The 2019 legislative session that followed became “the education session” where school funding dominated the discussion and billions of additional dollars were put into schools. As we all know too well, education is on the ballot at every level this year and public education can be made or broken depending on whether people turn out to vote.

So, make sure you are registered, make sure your friends and family are registered, and start getting people excited about exerting their power at the polls!

To Do:

  1. Make sure your voter registration is active and has your current address.
    -Check your voter registration status here.
    -If you aren’t registered, register to vote here!
    -If you need to make changes to your name or address, do that here!
  2. Mark your calendar for these dates:
    -October 11: Last day to register to vote
    -October 24 – November 4: Early voting
    -October 27: Educator Voting Day
    -November 8: Election Day!

Let’s make sure every eligible voter is registered and ready to vote.
Texas kids and our democracy are depending on it.