Vote in every election – including runoffs!
It has been a challenging year with a long and stressful election season that we all may be ready to leave behind. But, creating a culture of voting means voting in every election, including local and runoff elections. Runoff elections are getting underway in counties across the state for various city, county, and school board positions. There is even one Texas Senate runoff election in December for Senate District 30. While presidential elections get the most attention, the more local the elected official, the more likely they are to affect your day- to-day life. So, check on your county elections website to find out if there is an election for you to vote in, then do your research and go vote! Every vote is important and yours might just be the one that tips the scales.
To do:
- This week, please check your county election website to find out if you have a runoff election.
- Learn about candidates you will be voting on and vote early or on runoff Election Day. (Dates vary by county, so check your county website for dates and locations.)
- Remind your friends and family that every election is important and encourage them to vote!
Thank you for your dedication to Texas students and for continuing to model civic engagement!
Laura Yeager
Texas Educators Vote