Happy National Voter Registration Day!

National Voter Registration Day is a nationwide, nonpartisan effort to register hundreds of thousands of voters. NVRD was first observed in 2012 and has been growing in popularity every year.  This year it is being celebrated on September 28th, today! 

Today is a great day to register to vote. The last day to register to vote in the November 2nd, 2021 Constitutional Amendment Election is October 4th, 2021. 

1. Check your registration to make sure it is accurate and active.

2. Fill out a voter registration application then print it and send it to your county elections official.

3. Or have a completed voter registration application mailed to you to sign and return.

4. Remind your friends and family to register to vote.

Celebrate democracy by registering to vote today!

Thank you,

Laura Yeager
Texas Educators Vote