Every year since Texas Educators Vote was created in 2015, we send you a note around this time reminding you that we appreciate you and wishing you season’s greetings. We mean it each year and we do again this year. But, reflecting on 2021, we really truly want to send our love, support, and appreciation for educators across the state. From a third school year under COVID, to politicization of our schools as battlegrounds for culture wars and political profit, to laws intended to chill civic engagement and teaching, it has been a tough year. Through it all, educators have been on the front lines doing their best for all Texas students. We value our educators who are leading through love to support children no matter what gets thrown their way. So, let us say it loud and clear:
Thank you, Texas teachers.
Thank you, Texas principals.
Thank you, Texas superintendents.
Thank you, Texas school board members.
Thank you, Texas coaches and counselors.
Thank you, Texas bus drivers, cafeteria workers, and custodians.
Thank you, Texas public school parents.
Thank you, Texas public school students.
Thank you, public education and civic engagement advocates.
Thank you, TEV partners – one and all.
We wish you all healthy and happy holidays and hope that you have whatever you need to enable you to carry on and thrive in the coming year.
To Do:
1. Rest, relax, and rejuvenate.
2. Know that your work is appreciated and let that settle into your soul.
3. Remember that civic engagement is good for your health and the health of your community.
4. Revel in the knowledge that students look up to you as role models and will follow your lead.
5. Look for TEV updates in the new year helping you engage with your democracy and model civic engagement.
Social media posts to share:
“Thank you, Texas educators, for being on the front lines for Texas kids.” #TxEd #TxLege #Vote #TxEdVote
“Happy Holidays to all Texas educators – teachers, principals, superintendents, board members, coaches, counselors, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians, and parents!” #txed #txlege #vote
“Season’s Greetings from Texas Educators Vote!” #Txed #Txlege #Vote #TxEdVote
Public schools are the center of our communities and a key pillar of our democracy. You are the engines that drive our society. Thank you!!!
Laura Yeager
Texas Educators Vote