Why Vote

  1. The people you elect determine:
    • How much to fund public schools
    • How much to rely on standardized testing
    • Whether to use A-F ratings and how grades are determined
    • How much to fund teacher pay, healthcare, and retirement
    • Whether to invest in our schools or privatize them
  2. Most of the more than 5.4 million kids in Texas public schools are not old enough to vote.
  3. Model good citizenship for students, and be their voice at the polls.
  4. Texas is consistently last, or almost last, in voter turnout.
  5. Only 17% of registered Texans voted in the March 2018 primary election.
  6. Bad politicians are elected by good people who don’t vote.
  7. Public education and civic engagement are both central to democracy.
  8. Democracy is as strong as a community’s citizens are engaged.
  9. Research shows that civic engagement and voting are good for your health!
  10. You have the most power on Election Day, but only if you vote!