It’s time to research your vote

It’s time to research your vote     
Now is the time to start researching so you can make informed decisions at the ballot box when early voting begins on February 18th. The Texas Educators Vote website has a research page with great resources to help you learn about where candidates stand on various public education questions. They also have tools to help you plan your vote. The following video shows you how to use these resources to research whom and what you will be voting on and get ready to cast your ballot.

To do:

  1. Watch this video  to see how easy it is to research your vote.
  2. If you want more detailed information on using Teach the Vote, watch this ATPE voter research video.
  3. For additional instructions on how to use to research candidates, watch this LWVTX video.
  4. Visit the research page on the TEV website now!

Social Media Posts to share:
 – “Research your vote so you will be an informed voter.” #txed #txlege #vote #TxEdVote

– “Use the Texas Educators Vote Website’s research page to get ready to vote.” #txed #txlege #vote #TxEdVote

Happy researching!

Laura Yeager
Texas Educators Vote